This focused series on “Global Surgery” is edited by Dr. Dominique Vervoort from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, U.S.A.
There is a long way to go until the five billion people who lack access to safe, timely, and affordable surgical, obstetric, and anesthesia care receive the care they need. The question of integration of surgical services in UHC plans and LMICs’ growing health systems is no longer a question of “if” and “why” but rather “when” and “how”. I thank the authors for sharing their expertise with us in this focused issue, the journal for providing a platform for scholarly discussion, and the readers for their interest, dialogue, and dedication to leaving no patient behind. 2030 is less than 10 years away, but together, we can make it happen.
The road to 2030: introduction to the global surgery focused issue
Access to emergency and essential surgery obstetrics trauma and anaesthesia healthcare: a contemporary overview
Barriers and enablers to country adoption of National Surgical, Obstetric, and Anesthesia Plans
Metrics without borders: advancing the global surgery agenda through data
International organisations in global surgery: challenges and opportunities
Beyond technology: review of systemic innovation stories in global surgery
The role of non-governmental organizations in advancing the global surgery and anesthesia goals
Humanitarian surgical care delivery: lessons for global surgical systems strengthening
International research collaboratives in global surgery
The landscape of academic global surgery: a rapid review
Children at the heart of global surgery: children’s surgery in low- and middle-income countries
Building global surgical workforce capacity through academic partnerships
Gender equity in global surgery: the feminist mission to achieve the 2030 goals
The series “Global Surgery” was commissioned by the editorial office, Journal of Public Health and Emergency without any sponsorship or funding. Dominique Vervoort is serving as the unpaid Guest Editor for the series.